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Advocacy strategies on impact of counter-terrorism measures2021-05-05T14:19:12+02:00

Advocacy strategies on impact of counter-terrorism measures

Date: 06.05.2021
Time: 16:00 - 17:15
Location: online

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Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) would like to invite you to the following event 

Exchange on collective advocacy strategies on humanitarian impact of counter-terrorism measures

Round Table Discussion on 6 May 2021 from 4:00 – 5:15 pm CEST (online).

With short inputs from 

  • Kate Phillips Barrasso, Director Humanitarian Policy at InterAction
  • Lise SalavertHumanitarian Advocacy Manager at Humanity & Inclusion (HI)
  • Maya Krille and Katharina Stahlecker, Policy Advisors at VENRO
  • facilitated by Sonja Hövelmann, Research Fellow at CHA

The workshop seeks to foster an exchange on individual and collective advocacy strategies regarding the humanitarian impact of legal counter-terrorism frameworks and measures.  

Based on a recent study, Kate Phillips Barrasso will outline collective advocacy efforts and new tools that are available at the international level. Maya Krille and Katharina Stahlecker will give a short update on latest developments on the German level that proceed the risk analysis within the FATF process. Lise Salavert will provide examples and learnings of HI’s advocacy work on different levels.

The short inputs will be followed by a discussion and exchange among participants on emerging issues and clarify how actors can contribute to international efforts and discuss collective approaches to CT issues that arise at the international, European and German level.

Please note that the event is held in English, conducted under Chatham House Rule and open to humanitarian (I)NGOs. 

The Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) is a Berlin-based independent think tank, fostering critical reflection, open debate, and public communication on humanitarian action. Please note our newest CHA publication Understanding Counterterrorism and Humanitarian Action …to go.