Our CHA blog site is a platform to share views, opinion-editorials, research ideas, and reflections from practice regarding humanitarian action in an accessible and digestible way.

Within this scope, we are proud to publish ‘The Humanitarian Blog’, a new joint initiative by the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) and the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) with contributions from both institutions and guest authors.

Contributing authors to all blogs include CHA and IFHV staff, international researchers, and practitioners. We welcome input from interested scholars, journalists, and humanitarians. If you would like to contribute a piece to the blog, please contact info@chaberlin.org.

You are most welcome to join the discussion through the comment function below each published blog and to share and republish our contributions. Please name the source of our blogs when sharing with other audiences.

The myth of Germany as a top donor

by Ralf Südhoff (31. January 2025)

Ralf Südhoff on the misleading election campaign narratives about budget cuts, which falsely suggest that the federal government is footing the entire humanitarian bill, and what a fair humanitarian budget should look like.

Going Back: What to Expect in a Return to Trump’s Humanitarian Policy

by Will Jamison Wright (5. December 2024)

The picture is bleak, says Will Jamison Wright, who takes a look at Trump’s last term to predict how the incoming administration will act on humanitarian issues within the context of the new global situation.

5 Thoughts about Trump and Humanity

by Gregory Barrow (12. November 2024)

Whoever leads the US can have real influence on the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable in the world. Gregory Barrow offers five thoughts about the upcoming Trump administration.

Scaling Humanitarian Innovation: Navigating Complexities

by Cassie Seo (8. November 2024)

The number of humanitarian innovation projects that do not make it past the pilot phase is constantly growing. Why is scaling humanitarian innovation so difficult? Cassie Seo (WHO) explains the discussion from the first workshop of the new CHA project ‘Humanitarian Innovation’.

The new German Humanitarian Strategy: What’s in for locally led humanitarian action

by Darina Pellowska (18. October 2024)

Localisation is a top priority in Germany’s new humanitarian strategy. Darina Pellowska analyses how the commitments made are (not) translating into concrete measures.

Neither player nor payer? 

by Ralf Südhoff (28. September 2024)

Ralf Südhoff explains what Germany’s new humanitarian strategy and a radically reduced budget mean for the future of its humanitarian aid.

Beyond Atrocities

by Shlomit Stein (25. September 2024)

Shlomit Stein on the untapped potential of humanitarian mediation to advance human rights.

Impact of internal access constraints on humanitarian aid

by Pariwish Abbasi (23. August 2024)

While there is an increased need for effective and timely humanitarian assistance, the rise in internal access constraints is becoming a major challenge to the provision of aid. Pariwish Abbasi about the deliberate and willful obstruction of humanitarian aid.

Why non-economic losses and damages matter for humanitarian aid

by Johanna Fipp (30. May 2024)

Disasters related to natural hazards like flash flood, heat waves or droughtst lead to devastating losses and damages. Not even included in the usual statistics are non-economic losses and damages (NELDs). However, they should be and they should also be part of the humanitarian discourse and interventions, argues Johanna Fipp.

Goodbye to humanitarianism?

by Joël Glasman (24. May 2024)

Will Gaza become a turning point at which liberal democracies turn away from humanitarianism? And does this include Germany? asks Joël Glasman.

Climate-related humanitarian funding — a (mine)field of opportunities

by Iida-Maria Tammi (8. April 2024)

What opportunities and challenges does climate funding present for humanitarian organisations? Iida-Maria Tammi examines the underlying logic of humanitarian climate action and highlights the potential conflict between climate and non-climate-related humanitarian needs.

Humanitarians and Technology

by Giulio Coppi (21. December 2023)

Who shall we assess and evaluate for the state of humanitarian digital transformation? Just like for most things in a capital-driven age, to find out you have to ask the right questions and follow the money, says Guilio Coppi.

How Germany can make a more ambitious commitment to localization in its Humanitarian Strategy

by Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre (24. October 2023)

Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre, Director of the Humanitarian Action Initiative at the George Washington University, analyses Germany’s humanitarian strategy, offering insights into integrating localisation efforts akin to the US model.

Applying the Objectives and Principles of Humanitarianism to State Diplomacy. A Spanish Case Study.

by Manuel Sánchez-Montero (6. October 2023)

Manuel Sánchez-Montero, Director of ACF Spain, reflects on the Spanish Humanitarian Diplomacy Strategy and on the lessons learned during the process of its developement.

Loss and damage – a humanitarian kairos moment

by Dr Andrea Steinke and Sonja Hövelmann (3. October 2023)

Could the discourse around loss and damage be the catalyst for humanitarians to drive change and reshape narrative in humanitarian action? ask Sonja Hövelmann and Andrea Steinke in this blog co-published with HPN.

Is it right to count humanitarian aid as loss and damage?

by Hugo Slim (29. August 2023)

How can humanitarian aid count as loss and damage but also acknowledge its insufficient contribution to compensating losses? asks Hugo Slim in this blog co-published with HPN.

Building on local knowledge and partnerships to facilitate trigger development and scale up anticipatory action

by Sören Schneider (11. August 2023)

Sören Schneider argues for more flexible approaches to anticipatory action, in which local knowledge and partnerships can be key entry points to facilitate trigger development.

Where humanitarian diplomacy is feasible and highly necessary

by Ole Hengelbrock (10. August 2023)

The credibility of humanitarian diplomacy is crucial – both in global crises and domestically. Ole Hengelbrock emphasizes its pivotal role, illustrating this through the realms of arms control, sanction policies, and migration.

Three questions for a more feminist humanitarian strategy

by Megan Daigle (27. July 2023)

Whether and how are feminist foreign policies shaping humanitarian response? Megan Daigle asks three questions for a more feminist humanitarian strategy.

Statelessness: Europe’s Forgotten Human Rights Issue

by Aleksejs Ivashuk (21. June 2023)

Topics like statelessness require an emphasis on matters of principle rather than interest. At the same time statelessness is a highly resolvable issue. It primarily requires a political will to do the right thing, says Aleksejs Ivashuk.

Educating Ukrainians in German Schools – Addressing Key Challenges

by Val Stutz (2. June 2023)

The German response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis has shown a lot of positive results, but supporting education of refugee children should be given greater priority, urges Val Stutz.

Is it right to prioritise fragile states in the climate crisis?

by Hugo Slim (31. May 2023)

Could it be wrong to invest in high-risk places when the same money could be used to better and quicker effect in other places where millions of other people are also vulnerable? asks Hugo Slim in this blog co-published with HPN .

The use of technology to strengthen accountability in humanitarian action – a (not) so perfect match?!

by Andrea Düchting (11. April 2023)

To unpack the humanitarian system’s power imbalances and support the sector’s digital transformation, digital accountability and technical solutions are key, but political willingness and readiness to change are essential, highlights Andrea Düchting.

White Saviourism is a colonial legacy. But White Indifference is the larger one.  

by Joël Glasman (15. February 2023)

The aid industry does have a colonial past and the discussion on decolonization is important. But the main legacy of colonialism is not compassion. It’s indifference, says Joël Glasman.

The stony path of innovation in organisations and humanitarian-development interventions – a local practitioner’s view from climate change affected South Sudan

by Jacob Mbudzi (24. January 2023)

If innovations are proposed by humanitarian actors on the ground, they bear the risk alone. Success, on the other hand, is quickly attributed to all. Jacob Mbudzi, a frontline humanitarian and development practitioner, outlines the difficulties he faced when promoting an innovative solution to climate change-induced problems in South Sudan.

Humanitarian action needs more care

by Goda Milasiute (5. January 2023)

Most of the world’s humanitarian workers are not white, male and Western. The international system needs to reflect this – with a culture of care at its core.

Is trust the key denominator to digitally transform the humanitarian sector?!

by Andrea Düchting (20. December 2022)

The challenges for digital transformation in the humanitarian sector are complex and require a deep and multi-layered debate. In this blog entry, Andrea Düchting gives an insight into how this debate was conducted at the ICRC Symposium on Cybersecurity and Data Protection in Humanitarian Action in November 2022.


What do we mean when we talk about humanitarian leadership?

by John Mitchell (9. December 2022)

How is leadership defined? Does it work and if not, how can it be improved? These are the questions John Mitchell took with him to the Thought Leadership Lab hosted by GELI and CHA in Berlin and reflects on in this blog post.

A Failure to Listen – How Amnesty International’s Ukraine Report is Symptomatic of the Issues of Meaningful Localisation

by Will Jamison Wright (22. November 2022)

Will Wright uses the Amnesty International’s Ukraine Report and the response to the report as a way of better understanding the general failure to localise in armed conflicts and particular in the context of Ukraine, as well as to discuss ways to ameliorate it. [English]

At a turning point – climate change and the responsibilities of humanitarian actors

by Andrea Steinke (17. October 2022)

Climate change is going to be the game change to the humanitarian world. How? By sheer necessity. There is no other way. Otherwise, the humanitarian system will be overworking its way into exhaustion and oblivion. The current international humanitarian system is not fit for purpose to stem what is coming its way.

Humanitarian means to political ends? Temporary protection of people forced to migrate in Colombia and Poland

by Maciej Grześkowiak und Juliana Poveda-Clavijo (31. August 2022)

What are Temporary Protection (TP) mechanisms? This blog post examines two recent cases of temporary protection implementation: the arrival of refugees and survival migrants from Venezuela to Colombia (2015) and of refugees from Ukraine to Poland (2022).


An intersectional perspective on the health of humanitarian workers

by Isabel Josam (1. August 2022)

Working in humanitarian aid, unfortunately, all too often means putting one’s health at risk. Common diagnoses among humanitarian workers include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, and alarming alcohol and drug use. Isabel Josam discusses the research gap in this area from an intersectional perspective. [German]

Humanitarian Aid as a Means of Combat?

by Ulrike von Pilar (12. July 2022)

German Federal Chancellor Scholz wants humanitarian aid to support Ukraine’s defence, in addition to money and weapons. A lapse that endangers humanitarian aid – also in this war. [German]

Doing No (Digital) Harm by Design in Humanitarian Technology Interventions

by Cassie Seo (6. July 2022)

Which issues need to be considered when developing technologies for humanitarian action, in order to avoid harm to people and organisations? Cassie Seo discusses it with practical examples. [English]

Yemen’s humanitarian crisis: a ‘brighter future’ ahead?

by Lilly Felk (25. May 2022)

While the war in Ukraine is capturing the world’s attention, 20.7 million people in Yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance, up to 19 million people are food insecure, and 4.2 million people have been displaced due to the conflict.


Are the existing humanitarian principles fit for purpose?

by Leila Monteiro (11. May 2022)

The humanitarian sector has been operating according to four core humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence since the creation of the Red Cross in the late 1800s. Isn’t something missing?

Humanitarian Digital Panorama: A Roadmap beyond 2022

by Giulio Coppi (11. April 2022)

Where does the humanitarian sector stand in the digital debate? Some digital skills and good intentions are no longer enough in today’s world, analyses Giulio Coppi in his Humanitarian Digital Roadmap beyond 2022.

Germany and Mali after a troop withdrawal – a chance for principle-guided humanitarian action?

by Andrea Steinke (23. February 2022)

With the announced withdrawal of French troops from Mali, the international situation in the West African country is changing. The German decision on the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers is now pending and can be an opportunity, particularly for principle-guided humanitarian action.[German]

The Role of Humanitarian Actors in the World’s First Conviction for Genocide against the Yazidi

by Mais Masadeh (19. January 2022)

Universal jurisdiction and national proceedings  have proven to be the most promising avenues for justice against international crimes recently. But court proceedings have also shown that it is almost impossible to deal with the totality of ISIS atrocities without the assistance of humanitarian actors.

Humanitarian action: Entering a new phase of reform

by Ralf Südhoff (20. December 2021)

The Grand Bargain was supposed to make the overburdened global emergency response more flexible, local and unbureaucratic. In practice, the Grand Bargain failed to deliver. How can a GB 2.0 fix it?

5 Years of Peace? Disentangling Colombia’s Complex Humanitarian Puzzle

by Sören Schneider (1. December 2021)

The humanitarian situation in Colombia remains dire five years after the peace agreement. Despite the demobilization and successful transformation of the FARC from an armed group into a legal political party, the stabilization process and implementation of the peace accord has stagnated under President Iván Duque – an outspoken opponent of the peace agreement.

Humanitarian Action in the “traffic light” Coalition in Germany

by Katrin Radtke und Janna Leipold (26. November 2021)

There is reason for cautious optimism. On 24 November, the new coalition in Germany presented its coalition agreement. The document, which totals just under 180 pages, also contains a few lines on humanitarian action. Many central demands that CHA and numerous aid organisations, among others, have made in recent years have been taken into account. [German]

Stop the criminalisation of refugee assistance

by Christine Meissler (23. November 2021)

The situation at the Belarusian-Polish border shows once again: Although the European Court of Justice declares the criminalisation of refugee assistance illegal, support for refugees in Europe is increasingly prevented and prosecuted. This has deadly consequences. [German]

Afghanistan: Humanitarian assistance in the light of a Taliban-controlled state

by Florian Weigand and Mark Bowden (19. October 2021)

The exit of international donors and the diplomatic community from Afghanistan and the rapid takeover by the Taliban are challenging the UN and the remaining humanitarian organisations to develop new effective humanitarian strategies. This blog addresses three key challenges for the humanitarian community.

Inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action

by Carolin Funke and Dennis Dijkzeul (21. September 2021)

The inclusion of persons with disabilities is of crucial importance for humanitarian action. Although more and more humanitarian actors are actively working to reduce barriers and risks for people with disabilities, the implementation of policies and requirements is still in the very early stages. [German]

On the localisation of localisation – from nationalisation to true partnership

by Kilian Krause (26. August 2021)

Who benefits from localisation? Who should actually be considered a local actor? The last five years have shown that localisation is more than a technical and operational issue. It is also, and above all, a political discourse. Kilian Krause examines in his blog the (multi)nationalisation of INGOs and discusses the reasons and controversial viewpoints. [German]

Climate Change, Disaster Displacement and (Anticipatory) Humanitarian Action: Challenges ahead

by Sören Schneider, Katrin Radtke and Daniel Weller (21. July 2021)

The impact of climate change will drastically increase the number of people displaced by disasters and extreme weather events over the upcoming decades. The authors present in this blog the challenges and the scope of work for (anticipatory) humanitarian action.

Who gets to decolonise humanitarianism?

by Tammam Aloudat (28. June 2021)

What makes a voice a “legitimate” voice and what does it take to decolonise and sustainably change humanitarian aid? Former MSF staff member and new Director of the Global Health Centre in Geneva Tammam Aloudat discusses this in his latest blog post.

Syria and the Neutrality Trap

by Carsten Wieland (24. June 2021)

On 10 July 2021, a mandate that allows the delivery of humanitarian aid past the Assad regime expires. It was adopted by the UN Security Council in 2014. What this means for Syria and humanitarian aid in general is analysed by Syria expert and former Senior Advisor to three UN Envoys for Syria Carsten Wieland in this blog post.

Gender equality and the Grand Bargain: Whose efficiency and effectiveness?

by Goda Milasiute (10. May 2021)

What about gender mainstreaming in the Grand Bargain? CHA-Fellow Goda Milasiute takes a critical look at the reform project in our May blog post.

How can the home of peace be restored? Humanitarian action vis-à-vis a retreating state and the protection of civilians in North East Nigeria

by Rebekka Goeke (20. April 2021)

The conflict in north-eastern Nigeria is entering its eleventh year. The non-state armed group Boko Haram has increased attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers in the region – with no end to the violence in sight. How to hold the state accountable while upholding international humanitarian law? Rebekka Goeke from IFHV on a complex dilemma.

COVID-19 threatens to dismantle achievements: Keeping education in emergencies on the agenda

by Sonja Hövelmann (15. March 2021)

According to UNICEF, 168 million children have missed an entire year of schooling due to pandemic-related school closures. CHA Research Fellow Sonja Hövelmann on the so-called ‘education emergency’ in our March blog and on three suggestions on how education can remain on the agenda in the future.


Change we can believe in?

by Will Jamison Wright (15. February 2021)

What can the humanitarian community expect from the new Biden administration? Will Jamison Wright from IFHV on the new efforts in the White House – COVID-19, climate agreement, migration – in our February blog.

Change in the humanitarian system due to the Corona pandemic?

by Andrea Steinke (9. February 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic shows the need for change in the humanitarian system, states CHA Research Fellow Andrea Steinke. In this blog post, she reveals what structures, attitudes and local actors have to do with this.

Lokalisierung nach COVID-19 und Black Lives Matter

by Darina Pellowska (28. January 2021)

COVID-19, #BLM, Grand Bargain: There are many impulses for more localisation in humanitarian aid. But there is still a lack of implementation. In this blog post, CHA Research Fellow Darina Pellowska looks at what agile management and network perspectives could change.

Gravierende Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Moria erhöhen auch das Katastrophenrisiko

by Katrin Radtke and Timeela Manandhar (16. December 2020)

How are human rights violations and disaster risk related? The new WorldRiskReport 2020 shows: Refugees are particularly vulnerable to extreme (natural) events. Katrin Radtke and Timeela Manandhar from IFHV illustrate this with the example of Moria.

Ways forward on the Triple Nexus: stop or go?

by Sonja Hövelmann (9. December 2020)

The end of the Grand Bargain is approaching. It is time to reflect on how to fulfil one of its commitments: more cooperation and coherence in the aid sector. In this blog contribution, CHA Research Fellow Sonja Hövelmann discusses the perception of the so-called Triple Nexus, for which there seem to be no easy solutions. Which way forward?

Nach dem Pakt ist vor dem Pakt

by Sarah Hammerl (2. December 2020)

In our new blog post, Sarah Hammerl, who has worked as testmony collector for SOS MEDITERRANEE and in the advocacy department of Doctors without Borders, discusses the new EU migration pact. Her conclusion? Read it for yourself.

The ethics of humanitarian negotiation

by Kristoffer Lidén and Kristina Roepstorff (16. October 2020)

Providing humanitarian aid is easier said than done. In this blog post, Kristoffer Lidén of PRIO Kristina Roepstorff of the University of Magdeburg discusses ethical dilemmas of humanitarian negotiations.

We need to talk about principles

by John Mitchell (26. August 2020)

In our latest blog post, ALNAP Director John Mitchell reports on the merger of DFID and on humanitarian principles. Read it yourself.

Some Thoughts on the COVID-19 Crisis, Humanitarianism and the European Union

by Christos Stylianides and Pierre Thielbörger (26. August 2020)

In this blog post, former EU Commissioner Christos Stylianides and Pierre Thielbörger from IFHV at Ruhr University Bochum share their thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic. How does COVID-19 challenge the European Union and humanitarianism in a broader sense?

Humanitarian Smugglers? The EU Facilitation Directive and the Criminalisation of Civil Society

by Laura Schack (31. July 2020)

Humanitarian actors are increasingly facing accusations and charges of migrant smuggling. In this blog post, Laura Schack analyses the Facilitation Directive, the EU’s legal framework for tackling human smuggling and the basis of criminal charges laid against humanitarian actors.

The Politicised and Criminalised Contexts of Counterterrorism

by Charlotte Faltas (6. July 2020)

For several years now, the work of humanitarian aid workers has been increasingly criminalised by restrictive laws and measures on counterterrorism. In this blog, Charlotte Faltas looks at the effects that are to be feared – and what can be done about it.

There should be no “post-Corona”

by Ole Hengelbrock (19. May 2020)

Corona measures must be designed more locally and be more accountable, says Ole Hengelbrock of Caritas international. In this blog post he explains to what extent the Corona pandemic poses new challenges for humanitarian aid and why there should be no “post-Corona”.

Germany: Global Player without strategy

by Ralf Südhoff (7. April 2020)

The German Federal Foreign Office is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary. It is not only because of the pandemic that it faces enormous challenges. A blog post by CHA Director Ralf Südhoff.

#COVID-19 and its impact on migration

by Kristin Bergtora Sandvik and Adele Garnier (31. March 2020)

How will the COVID-19 pandemic reshape refugee and migration governance? First observations by Kristin Bergtora Sandvik and Adele Garnier.