We were pleased to welcome over 120 guests, including numerous members of parliament and directors of humanitarian organisations, to our kick-off event. For 2 hours we debated Germany’s role and responsibility in the international humanitarian system, given its recent rise to being the second largest bilateral donor.

Minister of State Niels Annen of the Federal Foreign Office in conversation with CHA Director Ralf Südhoff on the question: Is Germany most of all financially a giant – and is it still lacking strategy and international commitment?

Aid organisation too were very humble during their panel and admitted to lacking expertise and capacities regarding policy and other humanitarian issues. Directors Florian Westphal (left), Cornelia Füllkurg-Weitzel and Oliver Müller found open words.

What is Germany’s potential and where do we need to improve? Whether localization, humanitarian principles or the “nexus” of humanitarian action, development and peace, Suzanna Tkalec, Véronique De Geoffroy and Liliane Bitong Ambassa did not mince their words.