Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine2022-03-30T15:52:23+02:00

Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine

Ralf Südhoff has given several interviews on the escalating humanitarian situation in Ukraine.
In them, he raises the question of whether, for the first time, humanitarian suffering in Ukraine is being deliberately exacerbated as a war strategy in order to conquer an entire country, and draws parallels with the warfare in Syria. He calls for help in Ukraine to be provided by organisations that have been on the ground for many years and for private donors to provide only the kind of aid that really meets the needs of those affected.
[All in German.]

Recording of the radio programme “SWR2 am Morgen” from 22 March 2022:

Recording of the radio programme on hr-INFO on 21 March 2022:

German daily Frankfurter Rundschau of 22 March 2022:

Link to the article

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