Water as a weapon of war in Yemen2020-02-26T15:36:31+01:00

Water as a weapon of war in Yemen

Yemen is one of the worst humanitarian crises worldwide, its public health situation being extremely fragile. A new study by Action contre la Faim (ACF) shows how for the past five years the conflict parties have been contributing to destroying Yemen’s water and sanitation facilities. Using water as a weapon of war? Unfortunately, that holds true in Yemen.

The study has been presented on 6 February 2020 in the premises of the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA). Author of the study Jovita Sandaite, Humanitarian Advocacy Officer Yemen (ACF), and Pierre-Marie Goimard, WaSH Technical Advisor and former Yemen Country Director (ACF) presented the key findings.

Due to sensitive and possibly unsafe environment for humanitarian workers in Yemen, the study has not been made public.

So much can be told, though: since 2015, the conflict parties in Yemen have been knowingly contributing to the collapse of the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) sector, thus deepening the public health crisis. Water and sanitation facilities have been targeted directly or at least not protected, which led to death and disease of millions of people.

Based on the study results, participants from different NGOs active in Yemen had an opportunity to share their experiences and discuss possible actions concerning the Yemen crisis.

The event took place under Chatham House Rule.

Aktion gegen den Hunger, the German branch of ACF, has organised the event. For 40 years ACF has been fighting hunger and creating access to clean water and healthcare.