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ALNAP 32nd Annual Meeting2019-10-28T12:33:46+01:00

ALNAP 32nd Annual Meeting

Date: 15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019
Time: 08:00 - 17:30
Location: Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

This event has passed.

On 15 and 16 October 2019 the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) is taking place at the German Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. This year’s topic is:

Relevant for whom? Responding to diverse perspectives and priorities in humanitarian action

The response that humanitarian actors are most prepared to deliver is not always the most suitable one to effectively meet the needs of people in crisis. Therefore, the Annual Meeting seeks to explore how people in humanitarian crises can get the support that helps them the most.

Demographic factors and culturally-specific attitudes and practices shape the priorities of crisis-affected people. Yet, traditional humanitarian actors generally lack context-specific understanding in their responses. Crises in different environments – such as urban landscapes and middle-income countries – are testing the appropriateness of traditional humanitarian ways of working. The relevance of short-term humanitarian assistance is being challenged in protracted crises, which in recent years have taken a larger share of humanitarian funding.

Ralf Südhoff is going to moderate a plenary session which asks: Should we rather agree on general needs of people, or should we redefine in each context and at each opportunity which needs may have a higher priority?

As a preparation for the Annual Meeting, ALNAP has published an extensive background paper and launched a related blog series (see the following tweet):

The working agenda of the 32nd Annual Meeting has been published on the event website. Please note that the event is not open to the general public.

Update on 25 October 2019: A short event review about the CHA panel on the Annual Meeting of ALNAP has been published.