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Human Rights Film Festival Berlin2020-08-10T15:37:34+02:00

Human Rights Film Festival Berlin

Date: 30.09.2020 - 10.10.2020
Time: all-day
Location: Berlin

Material: savethedate-humanrightsfilmfestival20-en.pdf
This event has passed.

The Human Rights Film Festival Berlin (HRFFB) was launched by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) in 2018. In cooperation with Save the Children and NRC Flüchtlingshilfe Deutschland, the 3rd edition of the festival will take place from 30 September to 10 October 2020 as a hybrid on- & offline festival.

Under the motto “The Future Is Now“, HRFFB will focus on stories from all parts of the world that vividly address and reflect on human actions, the socio-political status quo and fundamental issues such as democracy, justice, freedom and environmental protection.

In 2020, the festival will be accompanied by a Human Rights Film Forum for the first time. This forum offers a discussion platform for various actors on topics related to empowerment, populism and fake news, the climate crisis and the sustainability goals of the United Nations. CHA Director Ralf Südhoff will facilitate a panel discussion on the topic “Hunger Pandemic“. Further information on the preliminary programme can be found in the Save the Date and on the official festival website soon.

Among numerous other organisations, the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) is a cooperation partner of the event.