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Humanitarian Talk: Quality Funding2022-06-27T11:15:22+02:00

Humanitarian Talk: Quality Funding

Date: 23.03.2022
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: online

This event has passed.

Quality funding is a top priority in humanitarian reform. In the context of Grand Bargain 2.0 it has been defined as one of its two key priorities given its great potential to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian responses by quality characteristics of multiyear and flexible funding, and to reduce needs by timely quality funding for anticipatory action and preparedness measures.

Against this backdrop CHA and NRC jointly invited to a Humanitarian Talk during the European Humanitarian Forum.

Outline of the panel:

Ricklef Beutin, Director-General for Humanitarian Assistance, Crisis Prevention Stabilisation and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, GFFO
Carl Skau, Head of Department for UN Policy, Conflict and Humanitarian Affairs, MFA Sweden (tbc)
Harlem Désir, Senior Vice President Europe, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Cecilia Roselli, Director NRC Geneva, Norwegian Refugee Coucil (NRC)

Facilitation: Ralf Südhoff, Director, Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)


A recording of the event can be watched here: direct link to this Humanitarian Talk