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Workshop: Climate Change and Humanitarian Change2022-06-27T11:12:47+02:00

Workshop: Climate Change and Humanitarian Change

Date: 16.06.2022
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Location: Berlin Kreuzberg

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Climate change is influencing the debate, practice and analysis of key socio-political, security policy and economic fields in Germany and worldwide like hardly any other topic – humanitarian action is no exception. Anticipatory, preventive and sustainable action is increasingly becoming a basic prerequisite in humanitarian aid in order to be a capable and accepted actor.

In this workshop, we examined the impact of climate change on the humanitarian system, especially on the practices, but also on the norms and mandates of humanitarian action, and identify the challenges and opportunities for change for humanitarian actors.

Format and scope
One-day facilitated workshop aimed primarily at civil society humanitarian actors.

Participation in the workshop was free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs had to be covered by the participants themselves.

If interested please contact info@chaberlin.org