To get in the mood for the CHA Conference 2023, we invited two guests to the CHAtroom:
Valentina Shafina is working for the International Rescue Commitee as a Technical Specialist, responsible for Client Responsiveness and Client Centred Programming. She is one of the speakers at the #CHA23 and will discuss digital technologies and accountability in humanitarian action. In episode 13 she gives a glimpse into the topic and her work.
Client Responsive Programming: The IRC’s organizational AAP framework
Empower to Enable Learning Report
Valentina Shafina on LinkedIn
Arbie Baguios is a humanitarian and development professional, founder of Aid Re-imagined, and rapporteur at the CHAConference 2023. In CHAtroom #14 he explains how management impacts power imbalances in the humanitarian system.
Arbie Baguios on Twitter and LinkedIn
Jingle: lie by Clueless Kit
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