CHA at the IHSA2021-11-02T14:16:24+01:00

CHA at the IHSA

From 3-5 November 2021, the IHSA conference will take place in Paris. CHA will be represented at the event several times. Sonja Hövelmann and Andrea Steinke will present their paper “Whose Health Matters: Trust and Mistrust in Humanitarian Crisis and Global Health Interventions” on November 3 in the panel “Trust in Humanitarian Action“. On the same day, Sonja Hövelmann will present in the panel “Ethics of Humanitarian Action” on normative change in education in emergency response. Both Andrea Steinke and CHA Director Ralf Südhoff, who is organizing a meeting of European think tank representatives as part of the European Networking Project on November 4, will be on-site. Will you be there? Let us know!