Here you will find a selection of publications in professional publications.
Whom Will Humanitarian Aid Serve in Future?
Whom will humanitarian aid serve in future? And how does this relate to trends of politicisation & budget cuts in so far fairly principled donor capitols like Berlin, Brussels, Stockholm, Le Hague etc? Ralf Südhoff in welternährung.Article on climate change and humanitarian action in "Wissenschaft & Frieden"
In the current issue of “Wissenschaft & Frieden”, CHA researcher Andrea Steinke explains what possible ways she sees for humanitarian action to meet the challenges posed by the climate crisis. [German]Crisis without war
Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine is another shock to the global food system, however it is not the cause of the current global food crisis, Ralf Südhoff and Berit Reich argue in their article "Crisis without War", published in the magazine of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen.Basic info: Humanitarian action at the United Nations
Humanitarian action is a core task of the United Nations, anchored in Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations. But what does humanitarian action mean for the United Nations? Sonja Hövelmann, research fellow at CHA explains it in the UN-BASIS-INFORMATION 64 of the United Nations Association of Germany [German].INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN SYSTEM
Sonja Hövelmann's paper was published in the March 2021 issue of the journal Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ) on the topic of "Bevölkerungsschutz" (Civil Protection).CRITICAL ARTICLE ON GERMAN HUMANITARIAN AID
CHA Director Ralf Südhoff is quoted in an article in "welt-sichten" magazine on the flawed strategy of German humanitarian aid.ARTICLE “THE INNOVATION OF HUMANITARIAN ACTION IN SYRIA”
The article by Martin Quack and Ralf Südhoff was published in the journal VEREINTE NATIONEN (3/19), pp. 111-116, DGVN (ed.).