Humanitarian action of the United Nations – to go

Author: Sonja Hövelmann
Date: 06.05.2022
Downloads: Paper (DE)

Due to wars, crises or disasters, 274 million people worldwide are dependent on humanitarian assistance. Reasons for this are that political conflicts are increasingly prolonged, the effects of the climate crisis are leading to displacement and resource conflicts and, finally, global health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic are causing the number of hungry people to rise again. When states are no longer able or willing to provide for their populations during crises, the United Nations has an essential role to play in providing care. In our To Go series, Sonja Hövelmann explains this core task of the UN: the actors, their responsibilities, their funding and current challenges.

This text and its graphics are a reprint and first appeared as UN-BASIS-INFORMATIONEN 64.

This text is only available in German.