Vom 23.05.2023 – 24.05.2023 widmete sich das CHA in seiner Jahreskonferenz dem Thema
Tackling power imbalances in humanitarian action – with technology and locally led management?!
An zwei Tagen diskutierten Panelist*innen und Teilnehmende sowohl online als auch in Präsenz wie Technologien und neue Managementmodelle dazu beitragen können, eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe und ein Programmmanagement mit Betroffenen im Zentrum zu fördern. In der folgenden Videogalerie können Sie die gesamte Konferenz noch einmal Revue passieren lassen. Die Abstracts zu den jeweiligen Sessions finden Sie auf unserer Konferenzwebseite, sowie in der Videobeschreibung (durch Klick auf “watch on YouTube”).
- Ralf Südhoff, Director Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)
- Arbie Baguios, Founder Aid Re-imagined
- Anita Kattakuzhy, Director of Policy, NEAR
Panel 1: Tackling power imbalances – the role of digital accountability and participatory leadership in humanitarian action
- Luise Amtsberg, Commissioner for Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance, GFFO
- Stuart Campo, Team Lead Data Responsibility, OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data
- Juliet Eyokia, Secretary Charter4Change, Project Manager Community Empowerment for Rural Development CEFORD
Panel 2: Digital technologies and accountability in humanitarian action: A (not so) perfect match?!
- Kassem Chaalan, Director of Disaster Risk Reduction, Lebanese Red Cross
- Valentina Shafina, Technical Specialist, Client Responsiveness and Client Centred Programming, International Rescue Committee
- Barnaby Willitts-King, Research and Policy Director, GSMA Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation
Snapshot: Digital inclusion of local humanitarian actors
- Patrick Vinck, Research Director, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
Take Aways from Day 1
- Ralf Südhoff, Director Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)
- Arbie Baguios, Founder Aid Re-imagined
- Anita Kattakuzhy, Director of Policy, NEAR
Welcome Day 2
- Ralf Südhoff, Director Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)
- Arbie Baguios, Founder Aid Re-imagined
- Anita Kattakuzhy, Director of Policy, NEAR
Panel 3: Learning from the tech industry? The potential of participative management for equitable partnership in humanitarian action
- Rajan Ghimire, Country Representative, Malteser International
- Dr. Shivangi Kaushik, Roving Head of Project: Digital Innovations for Zero Hunger, Welthungerhilfe
- Svenja Meyer, Desk Officer, GFFO
- Darina Pellowska, Research Fellow, CHA
Panel 4: Changing the humanitarian system with digital accountability and local leadership
- Aarathi Krishnan, Senior Advisor Strategic Foresight, UNDP; Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Security; Harvard University
- Meg Sattler, CEO, Ground Truth Solutions
Snapshot 2: Key takeaways and reaction round – Tackling power imbalances in humanitarian action with technology and locally led management!
- Renet Van der Waals, Stabilisation and Humanitarian Aid Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
- Tristan Hale, Head of Communications and Learning Services, Sphere Standards
Take Aways from Day 2
- Ralf Südhoff, Director Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)
- Arbie Baguios, Founder Aid Re-imagined
- Anita Kattakuzhy, Director of Policy, NEAR